
Icons in Cultural Art

Every group of people is defined by their culture. They may not know it, but they also contribute to that culture. Things they take for...


Collecting Icons of Other Cultures

The world of art is often closed to those who do not have creative talents, but they can always put their efforts into collecting pieces...


Cultural Art and Social Media

The ability to communicate instantly through social media leads to the rise and fall of cultural icons on a regular basis. Few people have managed...


The Art of Freedom

For those who have found life dull and boring, there are always dreams of what could be that come to life in their imagination. Some...


The Transitory Nature of Icons

Cultural icons define a group of people in a small time frame. They tell the story of a people during one part of their lives...


Icons and Communication

Much of the modern world has become a place where geographical boundaries are crossed on a regular basis by those using electronic devices. Phones, tablets,...

In the 1960's, an artist painted a can of soup and it was a successful art piece. Many people have long wondered why it was so successful. The artist understood his culture, and he painted something everyone had experienced. It drew people together through their familiarity with both the soup and the company that produced it. It took several generations of people, from many parts of a country and gave them a way to define their lives as a group. People of all ages, races, creeds and backgrounds ate this soup on a regular basis. It was part of their shared culture and had unknowingly become an icon to represent this sharing. Adding it to the world of art helped with this recognition.